About Us

Mr. Shaishav Bhagat
Mr. Shaishav Bhagat is a Consultant Spinal Surgeon based in Suffolk and Essex, and is affiliated with the following hospitals:
- East Suffolk & North Essex Foundation Trust (Ipswich & Colchester Hospitals)
- Nuffield Health Hospital Ipswich
- Oaks Hospital Colchester
- Phoenix Hospital Chelmsford
Providing you with the best in spine care
I obtained FRCS in (Trauma and Orthopaedics) at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 2010. I was awarded a Euro-spine diploma in 2012 in Budapest. I have undertaken extensive training in Spinal surgery during fellowships at the reputed centres like Norwich, Cardiff, Cambridge and travelling fellowship in various centres across Europe and India. I was appointed as the Consultant Spinal surgeon in 2013 at the Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust (ESNESFT), which is a tertiary referral centre for spinal surgery for Suffolk and Essex. I provide care for a full range of Spinal conditions including degenerative disorders, trauma, tumours, infections, deformities and sports related injuries.

Further Information
My areas of special interest are minimally invasive key hole Spine surgery and degenerative deformity. I have also set up a specialist paediatric Spinal clinic at Ipswich Hospital. I am passionate about teaching and research. I am involved in the teaching of medical students, orthopaedic registrars, junior spinal surgeons and para-medical staff. I currently serve as a faculty on various Spine surgery and FRCS Orthopaedic teaching courses.
Medical qualifications:
- M.B.B.S.
- M.S. (Master of Surgery) Orthopaedics
- MRCS Intercollegiate
- FRCS (T&O)
- Diplomate of European spine foundation
Academic awards, prizes and fellowships:
- Gold Medal in General Surgery, Final M.B.B.S. 1997
- Top ranking medical student for Final M.B.B.S. 1996-97
- Gold Medal, M.S. Orthopaedics. Gujarat University. June 2000
- Indo-German Orthopaedic Federation Travelling Fellowship, Mainz, Germany. March 2003
Areas of Interest:
Spine Surgery
Spine Surgery, Accomplished and Experienced in all spine conditions: Back Pain; Neck Pain; Arm Pain; Sciatica; Complex Spine Pain; Second Opinion; Deformity; Full range of Discectomies, micro surgery and Decompressions; Disc Replacements; Lumbar, Cervical and Thoracic Fusions; Fusionless Stabilisation; Injections (Nerve Root blocks, Facet Injections, Caudal Epidurals); Degenerative Disc Disease; Nerve pain; Fractures; Infection; Tumours; Kyphoplasty, Vertebroplasty. Occupational Injury; Accidents; Medicolegal & Personal Injury.
Minimally invasive Spine surgery (Keyhole surgery) including tubular discectomies and decompressions, fusions and stabilisation for Trauma and Tumours.
Lateral Platform Lumbar Spine Surgery
Keyhole lateral lumbar interbody fusion.
Spinal Deformity
Adult Spinal deformity. (Scoliosis and Kyphosis)
Research and Academic Publications
- Book Chapter: Trauma Management in Orthopaedics Iyer, K.Mohan (Ed), 2013, VI, 102 p. 88 illus., 2 in color. ISBN 978-1-4471-4461-8, Due: November 30, 2012 Chapter 1: Principles of fractures and polytrauma management. Chapter 15: Fractres of the foot and toes
Peer reviewed publications: Spinal surgery relevant Publications: - Bhagat S, Durst AZ, Rai AS. Simultaneous anterior vertebral column resectiondistraction and posterior rod contouring for restoration of sagittal balance: report of a technique. J Spine Surg. 2016 Sep;2(3):210-215
- S Bhagat, A Durst, H Grover, J Blake, L Lutchman, Am Rai, R Crawford: An evaluation of multimodal spinal cord monitoring in scoliosis surgery: a single centre experience of 354 operations. Eur Spine J. 2015 Jul;24(7):1399-407
- Bhagat S, Vozar V, Lutchman L, Crawford R, Rai AS. Morbidity and mortality in adult spinal deformity surgery: Norwich Spinal Unit experience. Eur Spine J (2013) 22 (Suppl 1):S42–S46.
- K wong, S Bhagat, J Clibbon, AS Rai. “Globus symptoms”: A rare case of giant osteochondroma of the axis treated with high cervical extra-pharangeal approach. Global Spine J 2013; 03(02): 115-118.
- S Bhagat, C Mathieson, R Jandhyala, R Johnston. Spondylodiscitis (Disc space infections) associated with negative microbiological tests: Comparison of outcome of suspected disc space infections to documented non-tuberculous pyogenic discitis. British Journal of Neurosurgery, 2007, Jul 30;1-5.
- S Bhagat, J Brown, R Johnston. Remodeling potential of paediatric cervical spine following type II odontoid peg fracture. British Journal of Neurosurgery. Volume 20 Issue 6, pp.426-pp.428.
- F. Brooks, S.Lau, E Baddour, P Rao, S Bhagat, S Ahuja. Thromboprophylaxis in Spinal Surgery- Current UK Practice. J Spine 2012, 1:4.
- S Bhagat, H Sharma, J Graham, A T Reece. Current concepts in the management of renal osseous metastases. Orthopaedics and Trauma; volume 24, issue 5, 363-368.
- Bhagat, Shaishav, Imagery section: Spine 37(13): I, 01 June 2012 “Springs reaching the sky”, Mammoth springs at the Yellowstone Park.
Spinal Surgery relevant presentations and posters: - Budd H, Wood R, Sharp D, Powell J, Bhagat S. Spinal surgery procedure specific Consent: an overdue evolution of the consent process. Britspine 2014.
- Bhagat S, Wong K, AS Rai. Simultaneous anterior vertebral column resectiondistraction and posterior rod contouring for correction of severe sagittal imbalance. British Scoliosis Society meeting, Southampton, October 2012.
- S Bhagat, V Vozar, L Lutchman, A Rai, R Crawford. Morbidity and mortality of adult spinal deformity surgery. Britspine 2012, Newcastle, UK
- S Lau, S Bhagat, E Baddour, S Ahuja. The 2008 recommended standards of care for patients with spinal deformity- A national audit of UK Spinal deformity centres.
- S Bhagat, S Lau, S Singh, S James, A Jones, J Howes, PR Davies, S Ahuja. Paediatric growing rod system in scoliosis: Cardiff Spinal Unit experience.
- Guha AR, Khurana A, Bhagat S, Pugh S, Jones A, Davies PR, Ahuja S Evaluation of blood conservation measures in adult scoliosis surgery.
N Jenkins, S Bhagat, J Broadfoot, S james, S Ahuja. Comparative analysis of Aprotinin with Tranexamic acid for blood conservation in scoliosis surgery. - S Bhagat, S Lau, DA Jones, S James, PR Davies. Fusion rate following posterior pedicle screw correction in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with Grafton DBM Matrix strips combined with allografts. NSDS/BSS Combined meeting, Riga, Latvia. (2011)
- S Bhagat, S Lau, S Ahuja. DVT prophylaxis in spine surgery: A survey of current practices in United Kingdom. BASS 2011, Edinburgh. Minimally invasive posterior percutaneous pedicle screw stabilization of thoracolumbar fractures: Early results from single centre. East anglian spine meeting, 2013. Selective nerve root blocks (SNRB) and epidural injections: Do they help predict the outcome of lumbar discectomy? Britspine 2012, Newcastle, UK
- S Bhagat, D Pillai, J V Modi, H Bhalodiya. Comparison of cervical threaded fusion cages to anterior cervical decompression and fusion (ACDF) using autograft for a single level cervical disc disease from C3 to C7. EFFORT 2007, Italy.
- Non-tuberculous disc space infections in the West of Scotland: Incidence, management and outcome of patients treated at a tertiary level spinal unit with special emphasis on nonsurgical management. Southern General Hospital, Neurosurgery, Glasgow. EFORT 2007.
- Aggressive multiloculated thoracic actinomycosis complicated by vertebral osteomyelitis, circumferential epidural abscess and delayed presentation with spinal cord compression. EFORT, 2007
- Single stage posterior release and anterior instrumentation for large thoracic and thoracolumbar scoliosis: Early results of a motion preserving approach for adolescent idiopathic curves. Norfolk and Norwich university hospital. EFORT, 2007.
- Results and outcome of operative management of primary and metastatic tumours of the cervical spine. Institute of Neurological sciences, SGH, Glasgow. EFORT, 2007. Reconstruction of anterior vertebral column through a single stage posterior approach following vertebrectomy for thoracolumbar spinal metastases. Britspine, 2006.
Orthopaedic surgery relevant publications: - Bryson D, Uzoigwe CE, Bhagat SB, Menon DK. Complete bony coalition of the talus and navicular: decades of discomfort. BMJ Case Rep. 2011 Jun 15; 2011.
- S Bhagat, M Bansal, P Amin, J Pandit. Wide excision and ulno-carpal arthrodesis for primary aggressive and recurrent giant cell tumours. Int Orthop. 2007 Jul 21.
- H Sharma, S Bhagat; J De Leeuw; F Denolf. Does augmentation of internal compression screw fixation using a semi-tubular plate shorten time to clinical and radiologic fusion of the first metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ)? J Foot Ankle Surg. 2008 Jan-Feb; 47(1): 2-7.
- S Bhagat, H Sharma, M Bansal, R Reid. Presentation and outcome of the primary tumours of patella. J Knee Surg. 2008 Jul;21(3):212-6.
- S Bhagat, H Sharma, D Pillai, R Reid. Prognostic variables affecting survival of pelvic ewing sarcomas: The Scottish Bone Tumour Registry Experience. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2008 Dec;16(3):333-8.
- M Bansal, S Bhagat, D Shukla. Bovine Cancellous Xenograft in the treatment of tibial plateau fractures in elderly patients. Int Orthop. 2009 Jun;33(3):779-84. Epub 2008 Mar 27.
- H Sharma, S Bhagat, J McCaul, M Naik. Intramedullary nailing of pathological femoral fractures. Does the duration of surgery affect the final outcome in imminent versus established pathological fractures? J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong) 2007 Dec; 15(3):291-4.
- H Sharma, S Bhagat, Wj Gaine. Reducing diagnostic errors in musculoskeletal trauma by reviewing non-admission orthopaedic Referrals in the next day trauma meeting. Ann R Coll Surg Engl, Volume 89,Number 7, October 2007,692-695(4).
- S Bhagat, M Bansal, P Amin, JP Pandit. A rare case of progressive bilateral congenital abduction contracture with shoulder dislocations treated with proximal deltoid release. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 2007 Feb 7.
- S Bhagat, M Naik, P Amin, J Pandit. Severe bilateral rachitic genu valgum secondary to Ichthyosiform erythroderma: A report of two cases and review of literature. Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics B. 2007 Nov; 16(6): 423-8.
- R Jandhyala, A Wilson, S Bhagat, J Lavelle. An Unusual Cause of Locking. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy 2007 May;15(5):682-4. Sharma H, S Bhagat, Naik M. A case of delayed dropped foot secondary to posttraumatic fibular bone spur. Euro J Orthop Surg Traumatol December 2004; 14(4): 252-254. Posterolateral dislocation of the elbow with concomitant fracture of the lateral humeral condyle in a five years old child. SICOT online report E058, 12/5/04.